1. Transactions of FAMENA will publish original scientific papers, preliminary notes, subject reviews and professional papers. Book reviews, conference announcements, obituaries, etc., will be published in the Appendix of the journal.
2. The journal publishes research and professional papers in the following fields:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Biomechanics
- Energetics
- Engineering Design
- Experimental Methods
- Industrial Engineering
- Machine Tools and Machining
- Materials Science
- Mathematical Modelling and Simulation
- Mechanical Design
- Mechanics & Fluid Mechanics
- Nanotechnology
- Naval Architecture
- Numerical Methods
- Process Planning
- Quality Assurance
- Robotics & Mechatronics
- Thermodynamics
Authors are kindly requested to indicate the main field of their paper. They can also add one to three related fields.
3. The language of the journal is English. Starting from May 2021, Transactions of FAMENA will not provide the service of proofreading the papers submitted for publication. Authors are fully responsible for the quality of their papers regarding the English language. However, Transactions of FAMENA will retain the right to insist on the language quality, and even reject papers when an appropriate level of language quality has not been reached. Although we encourage authors to use a professional English proofreading service of their choice, Transactions of FAMENA can offer English language proofreading and editing as well as full document typesetting. More information can be found at https://famena.fsb.hr/guides-for-authors/.
4. For the purpose of reviewing, author(s) should submit the following documents through the online submission system:
- Fully formatted, print-ready manuscript based on the journal´s MS Word template. Please, use the most recent template.
- PDF version of the manuscript.
- Confirmation of Authorship form signed and scanned by the corresponding author.
5. Full name and affiliation of the author(s) should be provided. The corresponding author (the first named author, unless indicated otherwise) should provide his/her full address as well.
6. Please consider the following rules and recommendations:
- The summary must not exceed 150 words in length with 3-5 keywords.
- Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Author(s), Title, Summary, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, References, Author(s’)’s affiliation, Appendix.
- Symbols for physical quantities, symbols for functions in general, and variables should be written in italics and equally styled throughout the manuscript.
- The symbols for SI units and SI prefixes should be written upright in roman type. Never put the symbols for units in square brackets!
- Mathematical symbols and formulae should be inserted using (preferably) MathType. Special care should be exercised in identifying all symbols and in avoiding ambiguities.
- References to published literature should be cited in the text using numbers in square brackets, e. g. [1], and arranged in the order of appearance in the Reference section.
7. If the subject of the manuscript fits in the scope of the journal and if the manuscript meets common standards of scientific writing, reviewers will be asked to provide comments on the manuscript. The reviewing will normally take 6 to 10 weeks.
8. In the case of a positive review, the authors(s) will be provided with an invoice for the publication fee (APC), which is 350€ for up to 12 pages and additional 35€ for each 2 pages exceeding the 12 page limit. Authors as physical entities are also required to pay 25% VAT added to the price.
9. Additionally, author(s) will be contacted during the typesetting processes and final paper confirmation.
10. Starting with the first issue in 2018 onwards, all papers submitted to Transactions of FAMENA will be checked on plagiarism twice using a leading international similarity checking application immediately after submission and prior to publication. Transactions of FAMENA retains the right to reject the submitted paper in any phase of the publishing procedure or retract the already published paper if the conditions specified in the Confirmation of Authorship are not fulfilled. In those cases, the publishing fee will not be reimbursed to the authors of rejected or retracted papers.
11. The published papers are open for discussion during a one-year period.
12. While the information in this journal is believed to be true and accurate, neither the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omission that may be made.